Friday, February 07, 2014

Russia's ban on gay propaganda; I don't understand the outrage, and, quite frankly, am already sick of hearing about it.  I doubt many people actually know the facts.  

The law's intention is to stop “spreading information aimed at forming non- traditional sexual behavior among children, suggesting this behavior is attractive, and making a false statement about the socially equal nature of traditional and non-traditional relationships”.  

As far as I am concerned the only people who need to be speaking about sexuality to children is their parents.  Contrary to the gay-rights agenda and their parades of indecency, sexuality is private and should be discussed in the home with adults who love and care about their kids.  

For those who don't agree with the law, please explain to me what business it is of any stranger to communicate to a child anything regarding sex.  We have a word for those types of people: perverts.

As far as the aspect of promoting the 'socially equal nature' of traditional and non-traditional relationships.  Again, why do kids need to know about this?  Further, how can it ever be 'socially equal' when 75% of the Russian population disapprove.  This seems to me to be an effort to stop what has happened here in Canada where a tiny minority of the population (~1%) are so vocal they are literally allowed to dance naked in the streets and run roughshod over societal decency.

The law passed the Russian legislature with unanimous approval, passed the supreme court with no votes against and is widely supported by the populace (polling at 78-80% approval). So what is the problem?

For all the talk about tolerance in the western media the manufactured outrage is ludicrous and outrageously hypocritical.  Since when did tolerance take the form of 'agree with us or else'?  It is ironic that today's western societies readily apologize for the ethnocentrism of the past from the left side of their mouths, yet from the right side are apologists for today's version.

If the stink from this turns the Olympics into a politcal farce I will be disappointed.  Russian human rights commissioner Vladimir Lukin, may have been correct when he pointed out: “People, who draft and try to promote such bills... ignore the fact that creating a halo of victimhood is one of the most efficient forms of advertisement.”

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